Practical Computing Magazine - Stories
Here are the 17 chapters of The Son of Hexadecimal Kid story, which ran from
September 1980 to December 1981. The first five chapters had the sub-title - 'A
parable in eight virtual pages' - I guess the editor changed his mind!
Page 11a was submited by Richard Forsyth but Practical Computing never published it, thanks to the author sending me a copy and for permission to include it here.
September 1980 - Page 0
October 1980 - Page 1
November 1980 - Page 2
December 1980 - Page 3
January 1981 - Page 4
February 1981 - Page 5
March 1981 - Page 6
April 1981 - Page 7
May 1981 - Page 8
June 1981 - Page 9
July 1981 - Page 10
August 1981 - Page 11
Page 11a
September 1981 - Page 12
October 1981 - Page 13
November 1981 - Page 14
December 1981 - Page 15
Note that Computerworld published the first series of Hexadecimal Kid stories.
Here's an index of all the other stories which appeared in Practical Computing:
1979 August: Figments – Bringing World War One to living reality by John Abbatt
1979 September: A Whole New Ball Game by John Abbatt
1979 October: Understudy by David Langford
1979 December: DIY Sci-Fi (a program in BASIC) adapted by Bennet and Adam Laurie from a flowchart by Sam Lundwell in An Illustrated History of Science Fiction
1980 January: Hoover by Rex Malik
1980 February: The Randomiser by John Abbatt
1980 March: Cyberkids by Andrew Walker
1980 April: The Turing Test by David Langford
1980 May: And there was Light by John Abbatt
1980 June: Off-line by Caith Gill
1980 July: Call it a draw by Michael Abbatt
1980 August: Hornets’ nest by G K Blackwell
1980 November: Larrs’ Ghost by Chris Kelly
1981 February: The Socrates Irony by Brian Williams
1981 March: Timeslip by john Abbatt
1981 April: Planned Obsolescence by Andrew Walker
1981 August: Direct input by L S Murray
1981 September: SNAFU by Bill Bailey
1981 November: Message in a bottle by Geraint Day
1981 December: Live Wire by David Mentz
1982 January: Hyperchip by Tony Peterson
1982 February: Friendly Reflections by David Langford
1982 March: Trojan Horse by Marise Morland
1982 April: The Perfect Machine by David Haynes
1982 May: Fair Repair by Brian Williams
1982 July: OK Petrax; Your Time is Up by Charles Chambers
1982 September: Goto Hyperspace by Edmund Teague
1982 October: Hearing Aid by David Langford
1982 November: Death by Fear by Simon Williams
1982 December: Submarine by David Haynes
1983 January: Diamonds are for... by Brian Williams
1983 February: Just another day by Paul Wilson
1983 March: Monkeynut Mystery by Peter van der Liden
1983 April: Game without Rules by Angela Cotton
1983 May: The computer that cared by Randall McMullan
1983 June: User hostile by Barrie Condon
1983 August: Autodate by Martin Foreman
1983 October: Death to the machine by Andrew Walker
1983 November: Negative History by Phillip Gething
1983 December: The cosmic circle by John Hooper
1984 February: Tomorrows World by Andrew Walker
1984 March: Mindprobe by Michael Abbott
1984 April: The same old question by John Clarkson
1984 May: Starfiend by L S Murray
1984 June: The Disc by Michael Abbott
1984 July: The Dumb Oracle by Barrie Condon
1984 September: Sty-X Software by Jean Miles
1984 October: The Silicon Racket by Ray Girvan
1984 November: I/O Port 12 by Michael Abbott
1985 January: An Awkward Phage by Andy Oldfield
1985 March: RAM Space by David Cleden
Here is the illustration from Hornets' Nest:
