1980s Vintage Computers

Celectronic Promicron EPROM programmer

Promicron range

Celectronic are a German electronics company. They manufactured a range of EPROM programmers in the late 1980s, based on the US Digelec 804 programmer. These support a range of contemporary EPROMs from the 2708 to 27512 so are ideal for maintaining vintage computers.

There is a MSDOS program called ceLink, which provides a menu-based system to edit the RAM in the programmer, up/down-load files between the PC and the programmer, change EPROM type, program and verify EPROMs. This connects to the programmer via RS232 serial ports.

There were four models in the range:

  • promicron 2000 - front panel, remote and simulator
  • promicron 2100 - front panel and remote
  • promicron 2200 - remote only and simulator
  • promicron 2300 - remote only

I have the promicron 2000 and 2300 models, as well as a set of user manuals (in German).


Promicron 2000 2100 manual - German
Celink for 2000 2100 manual - German
Promicron 2200 2300 and Celink manual - German - contains EPROM device codes
CELINK software

Digelec 804 manuals are all in English:

Digelec 804 brochure
Digelec 804 User Manual
Digelec 804 Programming Guide - contains EPROM device codes



This page was last revised on: 20/11/18