1980s Vintage Computers

List of machines in collection

Here's a summary list of the machines in my collection, broken down into:

Printers & Plotters
Games Machines

This lists show all the vintage machines I have had over the years, and what state they are in. I have included past machines I used to own too.


Make / Model Comments
Acorn BBC B Several - some working some not (have sold B+ 128K).
Acorn BBC Master

Master 128 - several working (some sold)
Master 512 - working
Master Turbo - working
Master Econet terminal - worked, sold
Master Compact - worked, sold

Acorn modules

2 x Teletext, one working, one boxed untested - sold
1 x 6502, recognised by BBC B
1 x Z80, recognised by BBC B, need software eg CP/M disks.
Torch Z80 add-on - not tested
Several 5.25" floppy drives, few 3.5" floppy drives, some working

Acorn A4000 Worked fine, rechargable battery removed for storage.
AES Superplus IV Was working, no longer in collection.
Amstrad PCW-256 2 - one OK, other has faulty 3" floppy. Also have serial interface (untested - mislaid)
Apple II Europlus

2 - one now fixed, one with ROM and keyboard faults.

1 sold 

Apple IIe 3 - one works OK except for display, 2 bought faulty
Apple floppy disk drives Several, one tested and works OK, others unknown, some sold.
Apricot F1 2 - one known to be faulty, one untested
Apricot Xen Faulty.

800XL with SDrive Max - works

520 STFM - works, sold

520 ST - works

Commodore 2001 PET Powers up, but freezes
Commodore PET - various To be determined.
Commodore PET disk drives To be determined
Commodore 64 Not tested
Commodore 128 PSU to be repaired, not tested
Cromemco Z-2D Works OK with CDOS disk, now sold.
DEC Rainbow 100 Works, boots from Gotek. RX50 floppy untested.
Dragon 32 2 - untested. Transformers tested and working. Also 1 disk interface, untested.Bought CoCo SDC module.
Fortune 32:16 Main computer with add-on terminal. Powered up but didn't boot (security coded disk) - sold
Grundy Newbrain A Worked OK, sold.
HP 110 portable Works fine. Has HPIL interface, recently bought converter for HPIB.
HP 110 plus portable Works fine.
HP 150A No keyboard, faulty
HP 150B with floppy drive Did work, now faulty.
Has touch screen, used by chess game.
HP 9826 Worked - sold
HP 9816 2, both work, replaced Rifas in PSUs.
HP-85 Several, mostly OK, printer belts replaced. Some sold.
HP-85B One works fine, one sold
HP-86B Works OK, some now sold.
HP-87 Works fine, has paint marking
HP-87XM Worked fine, sold.
HP 82901M disk drives 2 - both have one working drive and one faulty drive, need Tandon TM100 drives
HP 9915A & B

Both work OK, only one EPROM board between them. One has good tape capstan, one needs new rubber. Two keyboards. 

Sold 9915B.

HP 9122C disk drive Works fine except power switch stuck on
HP 9121D disk drive Several, to be cleaned and sold
HP 9133A disk drive Works fine
HP Series 80 modules Several, all work fine. Sold speech synthesis. Surplus HP-IB and Serial to be sold.
IBM PC / XT / AT Loads, mostly faulty. A few worked some time ago but not tested recently. Sold a few ATs, some needed new RAM.
IBM PC Portable Worked, sold
IBM RS6000 Model 34H A bit newer than the others, interesting multi-chip processor. Ran OK, sold.
Intel PSYP310 Multibus machine, powers up. Sold. 
Husky Hunter Various models, 2 x model 1 faulty. Sold model 2.
Lear Siegler ADM3A terminal Works fine stand-alone, not tried on RS232. Came with Cromemco Z-2D. Now sold.
Merlin 2215 with terminal Worked OK, sold to someone with boot disk.
Merlin Tonto PSU repaired, had manuals, now sold.
Microtech MicroProfessor Have 2, untested.
Microwriter II Several, plus some TV adapters. Working, some sold
Motorola MEK6800D2 Had 2, worked, now sold
Nascom 1 Untested, to be worked on. Had N1 clone with Elektor boards in rack - sold.
Nascom 2

Main board OK, memory card faulty. Disk drive untested.

Second bare board untested.

Nascom 3 Nascom 2 in a different case, worked OK.
NEC PC-8001 Bought with expansion unit and floppy drives. Works but no discs.
Northstar Horizon Have 2, metal cases, to be tested
Northstar Advantage Works fine, have disks, manual and box. Sold.
Osborne 1 Repaired PSU, worked fine, sold.
Pericom 7800 3 - one worked OK when last tested, two with power / VDU problems. Sold all 3.
Powertran Comp 80 Had briefly (bought in error then sold)
Research Machines 380Z Have 5.25" model, works
Sold 8" drive model.
Research Machines 480Z Several, all fixed, sold 2.
RM Nimbus PC-186 Working, found boot disk on net, sold.
RM Nimbus PC X20 Sold.
Sinclair MK14 Need to fit new switches
Powers on OK, sold.
Sinclair ZX81 + 16K RAM Works OK, sold.
Sharp MZ-80K Worked, no longer in collection.
Sharp MZ-700 Worked, sold
SWTPC 6800 Cleaned up, replaced one 74 TTL and now working on serial port. Came with CT-64 terminal (not working), dual floppy drive & printer (not tested).
Tandy TRS-80 Model I Level 2 with expansion and floppy 3 model 1s, untested
Tandy TRS-80 Model 4 Works OK, had to replace disk drive and X2 capacitors, sold.
Tandy Color Computer 2 Worked, sold
Tatung Einstein TC01 Works, one dead key.
Transam Tuscan 2 - both with video card problems
UK101 My first computer. Worked for years, then died, then sold.
Zenith Z-100 Works OK, runs MS-DOS. Obtained CP/M disks, various fixes, sold.


Make / Model Comments
HP-41C Had various, sold apart fron one.
HP 45 Worked OK, now sold
Sharp Works OK, Details to be confirmed
Sinclair Cambridge Rare orange 'Ford' logo, worked OK, Sold
Texas Programmer Worked OK, Sold
Texas TI-57 Worked fine when last tested, boxed. Sold.
Texas TI-44 Works fine then LCD dimmed, sold.

Printers & Plotters

Make / Model Comments
Anadex DP-8000 Came with Cromemco Z-2D. Self test OK.
Commodore 4022 Self test OK, based on Epson FX with IEEE-488 interface.
HP Color Paintjet Works but poor quality print when tested, inks now probably dried out
HP Plotter A3 (TBC) 2 - both OK, one better condition
HP 2671G Thermal printer with HPIB. Works fine once new belt fitted.
IBM 5152 PC Printer Works fine, rebadged Epson
Nascom IMP Not tested, have new ribbon. Bought 2nd on in v.poor state, started repairing.
SWTPC Printer Not tested
Tandy DMP-420 Worked fine, sold with Model 4.

Games Machines

Make / Model Comments
Acetronic MPU-2000 Works fine, about 6 cartridges
Maplin  Basic tennis etc game, DIY made, works fine


HP series 80 

This page was last revised on: 30/12/17